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Cinnetic bridges


Reference: 320002

From €10.95
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Cinnetic line bridges are highly valued by novice and competition anglers thanks to their great qualities and great value for money. 10% discount by applying code CINNETIC1 in the shopping cart.


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The CINNETIC line bridges meet the demand of all surf casting anglers, whether for competition or for intense days of leisure.

Large casts are achieved since the elasticity is minimal, so the printed power is used to the maximum.

Being a very fine line and coming out with so much power, it is recommended to use a protection thimble to avoid accidents.

Ten bridges of 15 meters long come on each coil. Available in transparent and red.

Cinnetic bridges: 0.16-0.52mm Clear

CINNETIC line bridges are the answer to the demand of the most modern high competition fishermen. Its level of elasticity is very low, transmitting all the power of the cast to the rod at the time of casting. This feeling can be somewhat pronounced depending on the action and power of the rod, so the use of finger protections is recommended. Ten bridges of 15 meters long come on each coil.

Cinnetic bridges: 0.20-0.57mm Clear

CINNETIC line bridges are the answer to the demand of the most modern high competition fishermen. Its level of elasticity is very low, transmitting all the power of the cast to the rod at the time of casting. This feeling can be somewhat pronounced depending on the action and power of the rod, so the use of finger protections is recommended. Ten bridges of 15 meters long come on each coil.

Comments (1)

| 19/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Cinnetic bridges

Pues la verdad todo muy bien buena calidad me gusta voy a seguir comprando recomendó a todos los pescadores un saludo 👋 😉

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