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Gas Signal Horn 00535

Brand: Nautica Milan

Reference: 00535

Offer: €9.50
PVP: €11.25


Complete non-flammable gas horn with high acoustic power, mandatory on all boats with registration in Spain, and without an electric horn.


More information
It is made up of a liquid gas cartridge that connects to a plastic trumpet.

When the cartridge runs out, replacement cartridges are available. In this cartridge, the most important flags of the international signal code are detailed, with which you can know what circumstance to transmit in different situations.
Mandatory as a safety measure in all recreational boats with a Spanish registration that do not have an electric one.

Comments (3)

| 09/10/2021 | Verified purchase
Gas Signal Horn

Necesario en cualquier embarcación bien producto a buen precio

| 29/07/2021 | Verified purchase
Gas Signal Horn

Todo muy bien, el envío fue rapidísimo y las bocinas sonaban en perfectas condiciones

| 04/07/2020 | Verified purchase
Gas Signal Horn


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