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JLC Vinyl Glue


Reference: ACJLCPEG-10

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Special cyanoacrylate based glue to be able to repair vinyl and glue the heads to the vinyl bodies. Available in 10 gram cans.


More information
This glue is ideal for vinyl repair or for bonding plumb heads to bodies.

In a few seconds, the vinyl will be repaired and can continue to be used, extending the life of the lure.
The main characteristic is that it does not crystallize or scorch the vinyl, giving it a rubbery touch on the repaired part.
Available in packages of 10 grams.

Comments (1)

| 18/04/2020 | Verified purchase
JLC Vinyl Glue

Come da foto Tempi consegna perfetti

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Questions (1)


Este pegamento sirve para pegar los ojos a los señuelos de vinilo sin que se despeguen. Gracias

Store response | 26/01/2023



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