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Neoprene fabric Hypalon Orca 970 gr



Offer €11.00
PVP: €14.00


Hypalon neoprene composite fabric from the prestigious Orca brand with a thickness of 970 grams per m2 for the construction and repair of pneumatic, semi-rigid or inflatable accessories.


More information

Hypalon neoprene fabric ideal for the construction and repair of floats in inflatable boats, semi-rigid boats or inflatable accessories.

The fabric is made up of an outer layer of Hypalon, which provides it with great weather, chemical and abrasion resistance; an intermediate layer of Neoprene, which gives it great airtightness and maximum adhesion capacity and a last internal layer of high-tenacity polyester fibers of 1100 Decitex, which gives it dimensional stability and greater resistance to tearing and tension .

Available in various colors and in pieces of 10x150 cm. If you sell by multiples of that measure and they are sent in a single piece, unless the desired pieces are indicated in the comments, but always in multiples.

Comments (2)

| 27/01/2025
Neoprene fabric Hypalon Orca 970 gr

Boa noite ,gostaria de saber se existe peças em gray, 3,5 x 0,50 ? Obrigada

Store response | 28/01/2025


| 19/07/2024
Neoprene fabric Hypalon Orca 970 gr

Boa tarde. Pretendo informação acerca de uma peça de hypalon com 30x350 cm, Cor cinza claro. Obrigado Cumprimentos José Martins

Store response | 21/07/2024

Não podemos oferecer essas medidas. Pelo menos uma das medidas deve ser de 150 cm. Ou seja, podemos oferecer 30x150 cm ou 350x150

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (10)


Tem a cor amarela e a cinza escuro?

Store response | 20/01/2025



Obrigado pela vossa pronta resposta. Gostaria de saber se é possível ter na cor verde militar? Obrigado Cumprimentos

Store response | 20/08/2024

Não temos essa cor disponível


Boa tarde Qual o preço para hypalon grey medida 50cm×150cm? Obrigado

Store response | 19/08/2024

50 €

See all questions

Precisava em preto, quando estará disponível?

Store response | 16/05/2024

10-15 días


Buenos días, cómo puedo pedir que el ancho sea de 30cm? Gracias

Store response | 12/02/2024

Debe pedir 3 unidades


Que medidas tiene el tejido que anuncian por 10€? Gracias

Store response | 06/02/2024

10x150 cm


Hola de nuevo cuales son las medidas disponibles del ancho minimo 15cm en color blanco o gris claro Gracias

Store response | 20/12/2023

La anchura mínima en neopreno hypalon es de 10 cm y el alto toal es de 150 cm. Puede pedir múltiplos (20x150, 30x150, 40x150...)


Hola la primera pregunta es ¿qué hay en blanco? El segundo quiero que el ancho sea de 15 cm de largo y 450 cm. Gracias de antemano dilevrisan por Italia.

Store response | 20/12/2023

Imposible esas medidas


Buenos días Este tejido se puede pintar y cortar con facilidad? Gracias

Store response | 10/05/2022

Se puede cortar facilmente con un cutter y se puede pintar con una pintura especial para neumaticas


Buenos días Necesito tejido hypalon para neumática de color naranja Disponen de ese color? Gracias Disponen de algún medio de contacto como e-mail, teléfono? Un saludo

Store response | 06/05/2022

No disponemos de color naranja. Los datos de contacto están en el pie de la página.

Tlf: 950270720


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