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Professional Pliers Aluminum 190 Cinnetic


Reference: 310000

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Pliers made of high durability aluminum necessary for its various functions such as crimping tool, key chain type ring opener, line cutter ... They are supplied with a cover and an extendable cable with a carabiner to secure. Measurement: 190 mm


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Made of aluminum alloy and heat treatment for greater precision and tolerance.
Designed with replaceable SUS420J2 quality stainless steel jaws and hardened for durability. The jaws include a keychain type parallel ring opener and have a crimping function.
It also has replaceable tungsten carbide blades with a hardness of 70 + HRC. Monofilament and braided lines are easily cut.
Anodized treatment applied for a better balance of durability and color. Includes cover and extendable cable with carabiner for hooking.
Measurement: 190 mm Weight: 125 gr

Comments (1)

| 15/12/2021 | Verified purchase
Professional Pliers Aluminum 190 Cinnetic

Funcionan muy bien i cortan mucho per el grillete que las aguanta a la funda es malissimo nuevo de la caja i ni se cierra

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