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Shimano Technium Spinning



Offer From €99.93
PVP: €123.95


Shimano upper mid-range spinning rod with different ranges of action that make it very versatile in the use of different lures and different weights.


More information
Thanks to its fast tip action, the Shimano Technium shank provides instant nailing and great casting power. Toes sensitive as well as resistant.

It is made of Shimano's prized XT200 carbon and comes with a Fuji VSS reel seat and Fuji K / KR Alconite rings with a stainless steel frame. With the use of these rings, Shimano ensures that the angler does not suffer from the dreaded loops at the time of casting, even those on the toe.
Available in different sizes and with different ranges of action, which makes it a very versatile rod.
Features Model 90H:
Measure: 2.74 mt Folded: 142 cm Weight: 177 gr Action: 14-56 gr Rings: 9

Comments (2)

| 07/06/2023 | Verified purchase
Shimano Technium Spinning

Francamente contento. Tanto por el producto, como con el servicio 🎣👍

| 12/06/2022 | Verified purchase
Shimano Technium Spinning

Caña muy ligera y manejable.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (5)


Estoy interesado en esta caña Modelo 9'10" H8, desearía saber precio y tiempo de entrega. Saludos a

Store response | 03/11/2023

No va a haber más


Hola me gustaría saber qué carrete me vendría bien

Store response | 27/09/2022

Shimano Vanford 4000 y Shimano Stradic 4000 son grandes opciones


Buenas tardes me interesa esta caña (TECAXF910H) me podrian dar precio para un envío a canarias y teniendo en cuenta que el envío seria sin IVA para agregarle aquí en las islas el impuesto correcto IGIG. gracias.

Store response | 25/02/2022

118,76 € envio incluido e IVA excluido

See all questions

Hola, si quisiera comprar una caña, sabrías decirme si tengo que abonar algún coste (gastos de envío, aduanas, etc...) para canarias ( las palmas G.C) ? Gracias

Store response | 11/01/2022

Tendrá que pagar los gastos de envío, los costes de aduana y el IGIC


Hola, quisiera saber si la caña se vende también la por tramos ya que se me ha partido el tramo superior de este modelo. Gracias

Store response | 22/10/2021

La caña se vende completa. Hay posibilidad de comprar un tramo, pero el precio suele ser más de la mitad de la caña por que lleva más anillas y si se le suma el precio del transporte, sale anti económico.


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