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Table Flags and Rescue Signals

Brand: Nautica Milan

Reference: TABLA

Offer: €4.50
PVP: €5.00
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This table shows the flags and the rescue signals, mandatory for vessels from zone 1 to zone 6 as long as they mount radioelectric equipment.


More information

It is made of a plasticized material (not adhesive) with dimensions of 32x24 cm.

The table shows the rescue signs, the danger signs, the cardinal marks and the flag code.< /p>

Mandatory according to the BOE of May 18, 2021 and valid from July 1, 2021.

Comments (5)

| 01/02/2024 | Verified purchase
Table Flags and Rescue Signals

Ditta seria prodotto a norma.bravi.

| 13/07/2023 | Verified purchase
Table Flags and Rescue Signals

Estupenda tabla muy completa, la exigen para pasar itb. Pedido llegó muy rápido a Murcia (2 dias).

| 03/11/2022 | Verified purchase
Table Flags and Rescue Signals

Producto correcto conforme con lo publicado

| 02/06/2022 | Verified purchase
Table Flags and Rescue Signals

Envío rápido, muy bien embalado y buen material

| 13/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Table Flags and Rescue Signals

Demasiado floja, podrían haber hecho una lámina más consistente, cobrando algo más.

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