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Hart Kombat JS

Brand: HART

Reference: QHKJS35

Offer From €124.90
PVP: €156.09
  • Only 2 left in stock
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Reel specially indicated for powerful spinning and jigging to which the latest technologies have been applied to offer the best performance during combat. It comes in three sizes for different fishing scenarios.


More information
The body is sealed and built in aluminum, with the rotor also in aluminum and with an ergonomic design. The pick-up has been designed extra thick with an oversized thread guide to withstand heavy combat.
It comes powered by 10 bearings, 9 of them stainless steel balls and one of continuous infinite anti-reverse.

Both the main shaft and the crown shaft are built in stainless steel and the internal gears in marine bronze. The main shaft has been reinforced to eliminate torsions in combat action.
The coil is customized and multi-perforated to lighten its weight and ensure good cooling of the brake system during combat.
The crank is machined from aluminum and finished with an ergonomic EVA knob.
The brake is watertight and with 10 lubricated carbon discs and stainless steel to provide it with powerful braking of up to 20 kg on the 3500 model, 25 kg on the 5000 model and 30 kg on the 6500 model.
Mod 3500: Recovery per crank turn: 85 cm Capacity: 0.28 / 390 - 0.30 / 340 - 0.35 / 250 Ratio: 5.2: 1 Weight: 349 gr
Mod 5000: Recovery per crank turn: 105 cm
Capacity: 0.30 / 490 - 0.35 / 360 - 0.40 / 280 Ratio: 5.5: 1 Weight: 483 gr
Mod 6500: Recovery per crank turn: 101 cm
Capacity: 0.40 / 540 - 0.45 / 410 - 0.50 / 350 Ratio: 4.7: 1 Weight: 598 gr

Comments (7)

| 03/04/2024 | Verified purchase
Hart Kombat JS

Todo perfecto y rápido envío.

| 10/05/2023 | Verified purchase
Hart Kombat JS

Muy buen carrete

| 13/04/2023 | Verified purchase
Hart Kombat JS

Carrete de excelente calidad, muy ligero, lo uso tanto para jigging o pesca al vivo.

| 26/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Hart Kombat JS


| 25/12/2020 | Verified purchase
Hart Kombat JS

Hola el carrete era lo que estaba buscando

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| 10/12/2020 | Verified purchase
Hart Kombat JS

llego en su tiempo y cumple con lo esperado muy satisfecho con todo

| 23/08/2018
Hart Kombat JS: KOMBAT JS 3500

Lo pedí y tuve que anular el pedido .puesto que no cumplieron con la fecha de entrega . Había pasado 8 días y aún no lo tenían en tienda para mandármelo

Store response | 23/08/2018

Hola: Creo que se confunde. Lo pidió el dia 6 de agosto por la tarde y al dia siguiente salió de nuestras instalaciones y no nos consta que lo haya devuelto

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (6)


Hola, tengo una caña Hart Bloody Wild Pop 2 con accion de 60-180grs. Y me gustaria saber si el carrete 6500 me iria bien, gracias

Store response | 05/03/2024

Si, el carrete le valdría


Para pesca de siluro desde la orilla con una caña de 2.4 de 280 gr qual es mejor de 3500 o de 5000 ? Gracias

Store response | 21/02/2024


Store response | 21/02/2024



Hola para una jlc zanzibar slow 662, suelo pescar entre 40 y 100m, a jigguin, inchiku y zokaball, cual me recomendáis el 3500 o 5000? Me gusta el 3500 porque pesa muy poco... saludos

Store response | 22/10/2022

El 5000

See all questions

Me gustaría adquirir el 5000 o 6500 para combinar con dos cañas la primera es una Hart absolut kayak con una acción de hasta 120 g y la segunda una grauvell spinn con una acción de hasta 75g, la primera para pesca desde kayak (Jig y al vivo) y la otra para spinning pesado. Cual creéis que me dará mejor resultado? Muchas gracias

Store response | 25/03/2021

Sin duda, un 5000


É Indicado para pesca light jigging, spinning, chumbadinha? Como comparado com Twin Pro 5000 SW da Shimano?

Store response | 28/02/2021

É válido para essas disciplinas de pesca, mas o Shimano Twin Power é superior em rolamentos e em desempenho. Daí seu preço mais alto.


Hola de este modelo tenéis 4000-4500?

Store response | 31/03/2020

Hola: no, solo se fabrica el 3500, 5500 y 6500. Saludos


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