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Shimano Socorro SW


Reference: SOC-5000SW

Offer From €107.95
PVP: €119.95
  • Only 7 left in stock
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The Shimano Socoroo SW reel is a reel oriented to fishing from boat or kayak, which will surprise you with its strength and robustness, thanks to the construction using the HAGANE concept.


More information

The Shimano Socorro SW reel comes to fill a gap in the mid-level priced reel segment.

Includes high-end reel features such as:

HAGANE Gear Body (cold forged gears for greater robustness)
HAGANE Body (a stiffer and more robust body is obtained, with less torsion)
X-SHIP (better alignment between gears provides greater efficiency and powered by two bearings on both sides of the pinion)
Carbon brake discs

Available in 4 models ranging from size 5000 and 6000 for kayaks and coastal boats to 8000 and 1000 for greater depths


Ratio: 4.6: 1. Brake power: 10kgs. Weight: 440grs. Bearings: 4 A-RB + 1 roller bearing. Recovery per crank turn: 75cms. Monofilament coil capacity: 150mts / 0.37mm. Braiding coil capacity: 240mts / 0.28mm

Ratio: 4.6: 1. Brake power: 10kgs. Weight: 445grs. Bearings: 4 A-RB + 1 roller bearing. Recovery per turn of crank: 83cms. Monofilament coil capacity: 190mts / 0.37mm. Braiding coil capacity: 300mts / 0.28mm

Ratio: 4.9: 1. Brake power: 12kgs. Weight: 640grs. Bearings: 4 A-RB + 1 roller bearing. Recovery per crank turn: 94cms. Monofilament coil capacity: 230mts / 0.40mm. Braiding coil capacity: 300mts / 0.33mm

Ratio: 4.9: 1. Brake power: 12kgs. Weight: 665grs. Bearings: 4 A-RB + 1 roller bearing. Recovery per turn of crank: 102cms. Monofilament coil capacity: 300mts / 0.40mm. Braiding coil capacity: 300mts / 0.37mm

Comments (3)

| 11/11/2022 | Verified purchase
Shimano Socorro SW

Compra segura y artículo el esperado. Gracias volveré a comprar

| 28/08/2022 | Verified purchase
Shimano Socorro SW

Muy buen producto, muy buena tienda. saludos

| 08/10/2021 | Verified purchase
Shimano Socorro SW

carrete con muy buenas prestaciones por el precio que tiene

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Salve, questo mulinello, ha l'archetto che si chiude in automatico, quando si ruota la manovella, oppure va chiuso manualmente? Grazie mille

Store response | 01/11/2021



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